Today TLT Photography purchased the 3D Image Vector – Mono – by RedCatch GmbH out of Austria. RedCatch is a world leader in Photogrammetry, both hardware and software. I had been looking for a way to harness the power of my Nikon D850, purchased last fall, for photogrammetry use. I have been dabbling with terrestrial photogrammetry with the camera for some time now but I wanted to up the game for other uses that require more accurate GPS location and IMU information. Particularly, my partner Mike Magyar has a job coming up where we would like to be able to map a trail through thick woods where I couldn’t possibly safely fly a drone. Other projects such as landscape architecture or ground modeling under thick canopy could also benefit from more accurate terrestrial photogrammetry. With these projects in mind and the potential for future mapping solutions such as roadway mapping from a mount on my truck, aerial mapping from a helicopter (another project coming up) there was a clear ROI apparent with the purchase. RedCatch was also nice enough to give me a discount on a slightly used one and I hope to help them market their hardware more through my own work.
TLT Photography Purchase RedCatch Mono