“If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.” — Jim Richardson
The Trail Less Traveled
It took me a while to decide on a business name that represents the kind of photography I love. The urge to explore the world around me is deeply engrained into every fiber of my being. I very seldom enjoy going back to the same place twice, and after I've been somewhere I instantly begin to think about where to go next. I tend to make lengthy lists of either peaks to climb, bucket list life experiences, or places to travel. These lists often lead me down trails of the world where most don't care to venture. It is in these locations where I've found some of the most beautiful and pristine landscapes on earth.
Nature Photography
I have been exploring the outdoors since I was 15 when I convinced my mother that I felt closer to God at the top of a mountain than sitting behind a church pew. My first cameras were all film-based and I used to load up on rolls before I headed off into the woods. When digital cameras became popular I upgraded as I could, always with the mindset of getting the highest quality camera I could afford because you can't go back in time and recapture those memories later. In 2011 I bought my first DSLR and since then have been taking it with me on nearly every outing. I've learned over the years photography isn't about having the best gear, it's about being in the right place at the right time... and a little bit of luck. Some of my favorite photos were taken in the spur of the moment, especially with wildlife. I hope you enjoy exploring my galleries. And if you have any questions about where I took the photos please feel free to contact me and I can point you in the right direction.
Why live in the Pacific Northwest?
As soon as I visited Oregon State University in January of 2006 I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the Pacific Northwest. Having grown up in the Adirondacks of NY everything on this coast was just bigger. Bigger forests, bigger mountains, bigger rivers. It was a whole new place to explore and after 10 years of living here I'm still surprised every year to find beautiful corners of the Pacific Northwest that I have yet to explore. I have traveled to many parts of the world and I still often find myself deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest thinking, "wow, this place tops them all". People often take where they live for granted but I never will. I will always continue to explore and fight for the protection of this amazing corner of our nation.
Your work is beautiful – congratulations on living your passion!

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